S9E09 | The Blogging Hack (the how and why you should combine your proof galleries and client blog posts)
The Blogging Hack
Please tell me I’m not the only one who has always procrastinated writing my client blog posts! There seems to be a thousand other things to do in my business, so blogging inevitably gets pushed to the side and before I know it, it’s been months (years?!) since I last wrote a client session blog post. Which is really a shame because I know that these posts are a great resource to have on hand for enquiries AND an easy way to update and add new content to my website (you’re welcome SEO juice).
So I sat down to brainstorm a way to properly integrate blogging into my client workflow - and ideally save myself some time too!
So here it is: my easy, peasy blogging hack! In a nutshell, it’s as simple as presenting your client their proofs via a blogging platform - tune into today’s quick tip episode as Caitlin shares exactly why and how you should be using this hack to save time in your business.
p.s. this is also a video episode, so if you’re a member then we recommend watching rather than listening!
Click here to listen to the full extended version of this episode in the Memberzone