S12E07 | Imposter Syndrome and Entering the 2022 Pet Photographer of the Year Awards
So you haven't entered the International Pet Photographer of the Year Awards yet. I get it - it can be overwhelming trying to decide on which photo to pick, finding the time to enter - or maybe you're experiencing a lovely dose of imposter syndrome "there's no way I'd ever win, so why bother . . ."
Well, I'm just popping on today to be your own personal cheerleader. You can do this! You LOVE photographing pets. You work hard to constantly improve your business and your photography. Whether you've been doing it for 10 weeks or 10 years, there's a place for you in these awards. Believe in yourself and your art.
Let me tell you, we had so many messages of joy and surprise from photographers around the world last year as the Top 100 and Top 25 shortlists were released. A common response was "I never expected to be shortlisted!" Pet photographers seem to be a humble breed! So if checking out the previous years’ winners has you doubting yourself, set your goal this year to make it into the Top 100. Remember, you’ve got to be in it to win it!
✔️ Entries are open from 1st - 31st May 2022
✔️ Entry is FREE
✔️ Two experience levels: Emerging and Professional
✔️ Enter four images: Portrait, Action, Pets + their People and Open.
✔️ Club Members get four bonus images to enter
✔️ Six judges: Alex Cearns, Bud Thorpe, Caitlin J. McColl, Charlotte Reeves, Jessica McGovern and the 2021 Winner, Veronika Shandor
✔️ Images are judged on Visual & Aesthetic (e.g. design principles, creative editing, style, composition), Technical Execution (e.g. exposure, focus, lighting, colour + tones) and Judge’s Response (e.g. emotion, mood, creativity, originality)
✔️ Sponsored by The Hantler, Photomechanic, Studio Ninja and The Pet Photographers Club
✔️ Read through the Entry Guidelines here:
Awards Website: https://thepetphotographersclub.com/awards
Entry Guidelines: https://thepetphotographersclub.com/entry-form
Get Seen - the Step by Step Guide to Getting Publicity with the Awards: https://thepetphotographersclub.com/get-seen