S10E01 | What to do when your mini sessions don't fill.. combining other skills with your pet photography and setting up a pet photography business with profit in mind
Goal Trackers Call with Ina J Photography | Big White Dog Photography and new member Suzy McCracken
We kicked off Season 10 with a Goal Trackers call. Goal Trackers are a member perk- a way to get to know other pet photographers, discuss your current goals and get some feedback from others. This quarters I was joined by Ina, Angela and Suzy.
In this episode you will hear:
• How Ina pivoted when Covid Lockdown limited her Mini Session bookings (00:06:50)
• The new product that Angela is introducing and why it makes sense for her (00:15:27)
• And the steps Suzy is taking to prepare for launching her business (00:23:12)
Speaking of setting up a new business, our 12 week challenge to do just that is starting on the 13th September.
During this challenge you will write your own business playbook and put it into action to fill your calendar (and your bank account).
• If you’re starting out and feeling overwhelmed by pricing or how to get the phone to ring- this is for you.
• If you’ve been in business for a bit but you aren’t seeing a financial return yet- this is for you.
• If you need to create a plan for just one aspect of your business- join us for only that class (p.s. Marketing classes are almost full).