The Podcast for Pet Photographers

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S17E10 | No Sleep, No Limits: Sarah Lane’s Path to Pet Photography Success
Podcast, Interviews, Season 17 Kirstie McConnell Podcast, Interviews, Season 17 Kirstie McConnell

S17E10 | No Sleep, No Limits: Sarah Lane’s Path to Pet Photography Success

A few episodes ago I had Emily Allen on the show, and at the end of recording she told me that if I am looking for more guests, I better check out Sarah Lane!

Intrigued, I did a Google and I instantly understood what Emily was talking about and reached out to Sarah, our guest for today! She has diversified her photography income by doing a billion things and even in this early stage of her business she’s making 6 figures because of her dedication- and lack of sleep which you’ll hear about in this episode.

If you’re in the early stages of your business, I’m sure you’ll find this interview refreshing because Sarah was open and honest about the struggles. And if you’re a long time listener, you’ll be excited to hear of a marketing promotion that was new to the show! That’s in the second half of the episode just for members so if you haven’t joined yet- today’s the day!

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S16E08 | Business lesson learned over 14 years+ as a pet photographer
Podcast, Interviews, Season 16 Kirstie McConnell Podcast, Interviews, Season 16 Kirstie McConnell

S16E08 | Business lesson learned over 14 years+ as a pet photographer

Today’s guest is no stranger to this industry. She has been setting standards for pet photographers for a decade or so, but today she’s here not to talk about education, but her journey as a pet photographer and the changes she’s made throughout the years to meet her business goals. I’m talking about none other than Nicole Begley and I’m wrapped to have her joining us today.

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S16E06 | Skipping the shortcuts and staying focused on a million-dollar business goal as a pet photographer with Gabi Kline Leon
Podcast, Interviews, Season 16 Kirstie McConnell Podcast, Interviews, Season 16 Kirstie McConnell

S16E06 | Skipping the shortcuts and staying focused on a million-dollar business goal as a pet photographer with Gabi Kline Leon

Today’s guest, Gabi Leon of Gavriella Pet Photography, moved to the U.S. 4 years ago. In the lead up to her move she laid as many foundations as possible to be ready to hit the ground running. Since then, she’s stayed focused on her goal which is to offer a high-end luxury photography business and build a million dollar business.

She isn’t quite getting consistent bookings yet, but the ones she does get, spend enough that it doesn’t matter- which by the way, is on average between $5-6k.

She’s gotten creative with her marketing too and in this interview, she shared one strategy that I haven’t heard of before and if you’re aiming for high sales, you could certainly replicate.

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S16E04 | Making the most of connections to start a business with Kim Hoshal
Podcast, Interviews, Season 16 Kirstie McConnell Podcast, Interviews, Season 16 Kirstie McConnell

S16E04 | Making the most of connections to start a business with Kim Hoshal

When today’s guest moved cities, continuing her landscape photography as her primary income felt impossible without local connections. She considered the contacts she did have and realized they were in the dog world. Combining her love for dogs with her love for nature, Kim Hoshall utilised these contacts to launch a pet photography business. She’s tried many different pricing structures and marketing strategies in the last ten years, and in today's episode- we spoke all about them!

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S15E12 | This is how to start a profitable pet photography business with Diane Gollowitzer
Podcast, Interviews, Season 15 Kirstie McConnell Podcast, Interviews, Season 15 Kirstie McConnell

S15E12 | This is how to start a profitable pet photography business with Diane Gollowitzer

It’s been just over a year since today’s guest launched her pet photography business. She spent 2022 learning all about business and hit the ground running in 2023. She’s proof that actioning what you learn is the only way to meet your goals. Tune in to today’s episode to hear all about the marketing strategies that worked and didn’t, to get this pet photography business off the ground for England-based photographer, Diane Gollowitzer of Dogs in Focus Photography.

If you are looking to see who has recently walked the path you’ve just stepped onto- today’s episode is for you.

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S15E04 | Just three years in business and consistently booking her calendar with $2800 sales averages
Podcast, Interviews, Season 15 Kirstie McConnell Podcast, Interviews, Season 15 Kirstie McConnell

S15E04 | Just three years in business and consistently booking her calendar with $2800 sales averages

Today’s guest started her business just before the Pandemic. She utilised the time through Covid to lay strong foundations for her business and hit the ground running when the world opened back up again. She uses direct marketing with giveaways to book clients year round and from those strategies has an average sale of around $2800 and her highest sale to date is $16k! Remember that she’s been in business just a few years! I’m talking about Marie Wulfram, tune in to hear how she achieves all of this.

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S14E08 | Co-hosting a super-charged event for a $6k mini-session day
Podcast, Interviews, Season 14 Kirstie McConnell Podcast, Interviews, Season 14 Kirstie McConnell

S14E08 | Co-hosting a super-charged event for a $6k mini-session day

Do you always here that one of the best marketing avenues is to attend dog-friendly events to get in front of the right audience.. But, there aren’t any around you.. Or not enough? Then tune in to today’s episode to hear how our guest created her own dog day out, and it wasn’t even as overwhelming as that sounds!

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S14E03 | European clients want product too, and they’ll pay for them!
Podcast, Interviews, Season 14 Kirstie McConnell Podcast, Interviews, Season 14 Kirstie McConnell

S14E03 | European clients want product too, and they’ll pay for them!

Today’s guest, Mareike Konrad was one of Europe’s first, if not the first, professional pet photographer. She started her business 12 years ago doing what most of you are doing today- selling digital only packages at unsustainable prices. She quickly realized that in order to put food on her table, something had to change. After reaching out to newborn photographers around the world to learn what worked for them, she introduced albums, wall art and other products too- and when she did- her clients thanked her!

Hear all about it in this weeks episode!

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S14E02 | Running a profitable part-time pet photography business while working full time
Podcast, Interviews, Season 14 Kirstie McConnell Podcast, Interviews, Season 14 Kirstie McConnell

S14E02 | Running a profitable part-time pet photography business while working full time

Hanako Soncini is sure to inspire. She is Swiss, living in Canada, working full time as a teacher and on top of that, shooting for 30 paying clients a year- mostly only in the Summer break! She spends winter working on her marketing plan and has no intention of ever going full time! Hear all about it in this weeks episode!

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S13E09 | Insurance for pet photographers
Podcast, Interviews, Season 13 Kirstie McConnell Podcast, Interviews, Season 13 Kirstie McConnell

S13E09 | Insurance for pet photographers

Today’s interview topic might not excite you- but it certainly is a useful one! We’re talking insurance. I learned from personal experience the importance of a good insurance policy, you’ll hear all about that and how luck was on my side in the interview!

Other than my story, you’ll learn what means what in your policy and about the application for accepting risk so that you can make sure all your business activities are actually covered. And for the members tuning into the second half you’ll learn the difference between all the policy types you may want to consider and why.

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S13E08 | How to sell products to your clients, and get the ego boost that comes with it!
Podcast, Interviews, Season 13 Kirstie McConnell Podcast, Interviews, Season 13 Kirstie McConnell

S13E08 | How to sell products to your clients, and get the ego boost that comes with it!

Are you selling digital only but would love to sell more product? Or perhaps you offer product but you find you can’t sell it? In today’s episode I chatted all about selling product with Maggie Robinson. We also covered the impact of booking a shoot for yourself, how her background in sales helps her in photography and the benefit of IPS that no one likes to mention- the ego boost!

And if you’re a member you’ll hear Maggie share her entire client process in the second half, including the questions she asks on the phone, when she shares her prices and how, how she starts her sales appointments and leads that into a top package sale, and a few key lines that she uses too plus so much more!

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S13E07 | How we can do better by the dogs we photograph!
Podcast, Interviews, Season 13 Kirstie McConnell Podcast, Interviews, Season 13 Kirstie McConnell

S13E07 | How we can do better by the dogs we photograph!

Are you guilty of seeing a particular dog pose or expression on Instagram and wanting to capture it too, before really stopping to think if that was a nice experience for the dog or not? Today’s episode might make you uncomfortable but I challenge you to take a listen and then keep in mind all that you hear during this episode, for your future photoshoots. Personally, I’ll be trying to help my clients recognise stress in their dogs by pointing out when their dog is happy. That’s my big takeaway from this interview!

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S13E06 | Understand your community in order to market successfully, create product desire and book often
Podcast, Interviews, Season 13 Guest User Podcast, Interviews, Season 13 Guest User

S13E06 | Understand your community in order to market successfully, create product desire and book often

As pet photographers we are always looking for ways to give our clients a reason to stop saying “I’ll book that shoot.. One day”.. And instead, book now. Indian pet photographer, Prathima of Pawparazzi Pet Photography looked deep into the values of her culture to find a way to do just that - and it’s something that’s right in front of us and can easily be introduced around the world.

And if you’re not yet a member, you’re certainly going to want to join to hear the members-only extended episode of this interview. We chatted about making gift certificates profitable, creating desire for wall art, and what to offer if that doesn’t work! PLUS we chatted all about offering shoots outside of your local area, and how you can incentivise your clients to do the marketing for you in a way that’s simpler than you might think!

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S13E05 | Improve your cash flow with a subscription offering
Podcast, Interviews, Season 13 Guest User Podcast, Interviews, Season 13 Guest User

S13E05 | Improve your cash flow with a subscription offering

Does it feel like every business around you is somehow switching to a subscription model, except us pet photographers? All our software, education, even our own dogs food can be purchased on subscription.

How would you like to jump on board this trend and improve your cash-flow too? Today’s guest took inspiration from another photographer to launch an offering to do just that with a Monthly Print Club. Tune in to hear all about it.

In the extended member-only episode you’ll hear all the details around pricing and workload, plus a conversation around the turning point for Cassie’s business which is sure to encourage those of you who are in the early stage of your business.

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S13E04 | Take control of your work-life balance by implementing these systems
Podcast, Interviews, Season 13 Kirstie McConnell Podcast, Interviews, Season 13 Kirstie McConnell

S13E04 | Take control of your work-life balance by implementing these systems

Do you feel like you’re always chasing your tail? Like there’s always a huge to-do list and you just can’t get on top of it? You know you need a better system but implementing it is a whole other to-do list?

If that all sounds familiar, tune in for today’s episode with Kim Hamblin where she shares actionable advice as we break down all the systems that can help you free up more time in your business.

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S13E03 | Your questions to a printing lab answered
Podcast, Interviews, Season 13 Kirstie McConnell Podcast, Interviews, Season 13 Kirstie McConnell

S13E03 | Your questions to a printing lab answered

Do you know who knows which products truly sell the best? Or if you as a print-based photographer are genuinely busy or not? Your lab.

They have unique insights into our industry and in this episode we has Patricia Won of GTA Imaging share the answers to questions like, how do I calibrate my monitor?”, “how do I make hanging prints easier for my clients?”, “how do I offer unique products?” or “what can I add onto wall art orders?”.

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S13E02 | Building a mobile pet photography studio
Podcast, Interviews, Season 13 Kirstie McConnell Podcast, Interviews, Season 13 Kirstie McConnell

S13E02 | Building a mobile pet photography studio

Have you considered leasing or purchasing a commercial space to open a studio but always find the cost prohibitive, or the location is just never right? Beth Alexander found the same problem and so she decided to come up with a creative solution- a mobile studio which she had built from the ground up for a fraction of the price of a storefront!

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S12E09 | Top 5 tips for evolving from hobbyist to professional pet photographer
Podcast, Interviews, Season 12 Kirstie McConnell Podcast, Interviews, Season 12 Kirstie McConnell

S12E09 | Top 5 tips for evolving from hobbyist to professional pet photographer

Most of us start out as pet photographers because we love animals, and we love taking photos. We combine these two passions into a hobby, and at some point, that hobby becomes a source of income. Accepting payment for something that you truly enjoy is a strange concept in this modern world. Even once we start doing business orientated tasks, it can be hard to forget that this all started as a hobby.

If that sounds familiar, tune in to this weeks episode as Kirstie shares her top 5 tips to help you evolve from a hobbyist to a professional pet photographer!

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Update | What's new at The Pet Photographers Club
Podcast, Interviews, Season 12 Kirstie McConnell Podcast, Interviews, Season 12 Kirstie McConnell

Update | What's new at The Pet Photographers Club

Like everything good in life.. we’ve grown! The podcast that Caitlin and I started in 2018 as a tiny passion project has since grown into so much more. The Pet Photographers Club is now a thriving community which hosts the awards, events, an active membership, delivers courses and more! With all this growth, we thought we better let you know what The Club is all about!

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