S12E09 | Top 5 tips for evolving from hobbyist to professional pet photographer
Most of us start out as pet photographers because we love animals, and we love taking photos. We combine these two passions into a hobby, and at some point, that hobby becomes a source of income. Accepting payment for something that you truly enjoy is a strange concept in this modern world. Even once we start doing business orientated tasks, it can be hard to forget that this all started as a hobby. If that sounds familiar, tune in to this weeks episode as Kirstie shares her top 5 tips to help you evolve from a hobbyist to a professional pet photographer!
Surround yourself with a great support network
Start using the phrase “I’m going to work” and “I’m at work” instead of “I need to do some editing”, or, “I have a photoshoot tonight”.
Stop doing work for works sake! Try these productive options instead:
a.) Visit your local dog-friendly parks, beaches, trails and cafes- photograph dogs and chat with their owners.
b.) Simplify your booking system
c.) Revisit your numbers to find areas of improvement - leads, booking rate, average sales, etc
d.) Contact your local media with a press release
e.) Launch a local petpreneaurs coffee group
f.) Check your bank account for recurring expenses, and cancel the subscriptions you don’t use!Proudly introduce yourself as a pet photographer and show examples of what you do when people ask!
IMPLEMENT, IMPLEMENT, IMPLEMENT! Ideas and education are great, but they don’t have any impacted until they’re implemented!
Business Foundations Website: https://foundations.thepetphotographersclub.com/
July Members Meet Up: https://thepetphotographersclub.com/events