S12E14 | How to build community as a pet photographer
Pet Photo Bingo is a totally unique strategy that Marika Moffit launched and it’s a tonne of fun for you to play with your pet loving audience. Marika is an expert at building community and quirky marketing strategies and she’s joined us in this episode to chat all about:
Finding a business name
What is Pet Photo Bingo
In the extended member-only episode:
Common obstacles in implementing Pet Photo Bingo
Example of a bingo card and collaboration opportunities
Why you would implement this strategy
About Marika Moffitt | https://www.souldogcreative.com/
Marika Moffitt is a story-driven pet photographer based in the Pacific Northwest. Her specialty is in celebrating the deep connection between women and their Soul Dogs through vivid, heartfelt, and emotional artwork. Building community, creating connection, and embracing opportunities for collaboration are key elements of Marika's success as a business owner. Her passion and willingness to share her own stories of love and loss have made her a leader not only as a pet photographer in the Pacific Northwest, but as a mentor to other pet photographers building impactful and soul-led businesses.
All of Marika’s coaching and products for pet photographers can be found here: Pet Collective Community
Get $50 off Pet Photo BINGO, just sign up here: PET PHOTO BINGO
and use the discount Code: PPCBINGO50
The coupon is good until September 30th at 11:59 PM PDT.