S16E03 | Knowing your why and taking action leads to a high reward for Ina Jalil


This week’s guest found herself with a quiet start to the year after her biggest lead generator, a local event was cancelled right before she was taking time off for an overseas trip. I’m talking about a returning guest to the show, Ina Jalil who instead of allowing herself to mellow in stress, invested in more coaching and took action. Fast forward four months, she’s had a 5 figure sale, her highest to date, and is almost fully booked until Australian winter.

Tune in to today’s episode to learn how she turned business around and before that, the perhaps surprising impact of her rebrand- which has helped her business mindset!

We covered:

  • Ina’s journey from side hustle to professional

  • The reason Ina specialises in pets 

  • Digging into your why and the impact

  • Why Ina uses her name as her business name 

  • What happens when you rely on one lead source

  • How Ina smashed marketing in a rush 


  • The questions Ina asks to help with big sales 

  • 10k sale - what they bought and why they booked now 

  • Repeating a 5 figure sale 

  • SEO, blogging and backlinks 

  • Sony advocate 

  • Personal projects for creativity and more bookings

Partnership Blogging Challenge

What would your business look like if your business partners, did your marketing for you?

If you could simply text your contact at the local specialist vet clinic, doggy daycare or equine centre and say “Let’s do it again”, and within a matter of days, you have high quality bookings?

And meanwhile, your website actually gained organic traffic and some of those visitors easily converted into your highest-spending clients.

No Facebook Ad spend. No time to dedicate to expos.

Just a shoot, a blog post and some gift vouchers.

This is my best marketing strategy, and with this challenge, you can access the exact steps I take to make it happen.


Ina Jalil

Ina J Photography, Australia

Based in Canberra, Ina Jalil is an award-winning pet photographer with a special love for bringing out the unique character and personality of pets in her imagery.

Ina's loves photographing dogs in outdoor settings where each dog's personality is vividly captured through her lens, from soulful portraits to dynamic action shots. She also extends her expertise to other pets and those preferring a controlled environment, offering studio sessions.

Ina launched Ina J Photography in 2009, covering various photography genres, from family portraits to weddings and newborn sessions. In 2019, she found her true calling in pet photography after the loss of her heart dog Mac. Since then, she has devoted herself to celebrating the beauty and essence of pets. She's also expanded her expertise by running workshops as a Sony Digital Imaging Advocate and mentoring those keen to explore pet photography.

Fully committing to her specialisation in February 2022, Ina has successfully grown her brand to be synonymous with premier pet photography in Canberra.


S16E04 | Making the most of connections to start a business with Kim Hoshal


S16E02 | How a structured business plan lead to a $200k first year in business for Ryan Erickson