The Podcast for Pet Photographers

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S17E08 | Becoming known and staying top of mind with Monique Eckes
Podcast, Interviews, Season 17 Kirstie McConnell Podcast, Interviews, Season 17 Kirstie McConnell

S17E08 | Becoming known and staying top of mind with Monique Eckes

If you’ve ever heard photographers talking about partnering with other businesses but the idea of introducing yourself seems way too scary- today’s episode is for you. Before becoming a pet photographer, today’s guest, Monique Eckes worked in vet clinics for 15 years. She used her insider knowledge and just her genuinely lovely personality to be honest, to create her approach which has been wildly successful and she shares exactly what that looks like, with you.

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S17E07 | Give generously and receive generously in return like Buffalo pet photographer Emily Allen
Podcast, Interviews, Season 17 Kirstie McConnell Podcast, Interviews, Season 17 Kirstie McConnell

S17E07 | Give generously and receive generously in return like Buffalo pet photographer Emily Allen

Today’s guest gives back to her community and the result is huge- she even has her photos on beers cans! But until a couple of year ago she was shooting too much for too little and so she engaged a business coach to help her increase her annual profit. As part of that process, she as encouraged to dig deep into her why- and what she discovered lead her to implementing an incredibly beautiful and profitable project. 

I’m talking about Emily Allen who has increased her average sale four fold by following the advice of Karinda K. 

We discussed all that in members half of this interview- but in the first half, among other things, you’ll hear how and why Emily made the move into a shares studio space and how she keeps paying rent year round even though she doesn’t go in summer. As you can tell, we covered a lot in this interview, so no matter what stage of your business you’re in, there’s sure to be a take away for you.

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