The Podcast for Pet Photographers

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S17E08 | Becoming known and staying top of mind with Monique Eckes
Podcast, Interviews, Season 17 Kirstie McConnell Podcast, Interviews, Season 17 Kirstie McConnell

S17E08 | Becoming known and staying top of mind with Monique Eckes

If you’ve ever heard photographers talking about partnering with other businesses but the idea of introducing yourself seems way too scary- today’s episode is for you. Before becoming a pet photographer, today’s guest, Monique Eckes worked in vet clinics for 15 years. She used her insider knowledge and just her genuinely lovely personality to be honest, to create her approach which has been wildly successful and she shares exactly what that looks like, with you.

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S12E11 | The difference a friend can make in this business with An Di Prima
Podcast, Interviews, Season 12 Kirstie McConnell Podcast, Interviews, Season 12 Kirstie McConnell

S12E11 | The difference a friend can make in this business with An Di Prima

We all know that the business of pet photography can be challenging, and adding to that is the loneliness that can come with the self-employed life. In this member spotlight video episode we chatting with An Di all about the difference it can make to your business if you do get involved in the community of pet photographers.

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S11E01 | The marketing campaign to kickstart 2022
Podcast, Interviews, Season 11 Kirstie McConnell Podcast, Interviews, Season 11 Kirstie McConnell

S11E01 | The marketing campaign to kickstart 2022

Most photographers I know are so busy toward the end of the year that their marketing gets completely neglected and then in the new year, their calendars are empty.

Hopefully you have a 12 month marketing calendar in place to avoid that, but if not, fear not- I’ve got you..!

This episode today is to share my favourite campaign with you to ensure that you can kick off 2022 with bookings in the diary.

I’m talking about a Pet of the Year Competition.

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S10E12 | Five Aha! Moments from 2021 with Caitlin & Kirstie (Must Listen Episode)
Podcast, Interviews, Season 10 Kirstie McConnell Podcast, Interviews, Season 10 Kirstie McConnell

S10E12 | Five Aha! Moments from 2021 with Caitlin & Kirstie (Must Listen Episode)

Oh my goodness, it is ALMOST DECEMBER?! Where did 2021 go? To celebrate our annual Black Friday Super Sale, Kirstie and Caitlin took a look back through the 2021 Podcast Archives to pick out our personal top five AHA! moments.

If you missed any of these episodes along the way, consider this your sign to go back and have a listen. Or just tune into this episode and we’ll sum up the best bits for you!

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S10E05 | Personal Branding Photoshoots for Small Pet Businesses with Meg McMillan
Podcast, Interviews, Season 10 Kirstie McConnell Podcast, Interviews, Season 10 Kirstie McConnell

S10E05 | Personal Branding Photoshoots for Small Pet Businesses with Meg McMillan

If you’re a pet photographer who works with - or would like to work with - pet businesses then you’ve likely already realised that everything you already know about working with private clients really isn’t applicable when you move to the B2B space. Throw into the mix that most of the commercial photography education out there doesn’t apply when dealing with small, local or boutique pet businesses and you might find yourself totally lost about how to best serve these clients. We’re talking your local groomer, doggy day care, pet bakery - all businesses who could potentially bring in a fantastic new income stream - if only you knew how to serve them best.

That’s why we invited Personal Branding photographer Meg McMillan of Meg Marie Photography onto the show today. Meg is killing it in the world of small business and personal branding clients and today she shares how you can take that same approach and apply it to your pet photography business!

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S8E10 | How to Sell Wall Art to Businesses with Michael Puck
Podcast, Interviews, Season 8 Kirstie McConnell Podcast, Interviews, Season 8 Kirstie McConnell

S8E10 | How to Sell Wall Art to Businesses with Michael Puck

Michael Puck is shaking things up in the world of professional pet photography. Fuelled by his desire to help save dogs from kill shelters, he runs his business, K9Photo, as a nonprofit.

But although k9Photo is a charity, Michael does not ask for donations. The revenue is entirely generated by selling multi-thousand dollar dog wall art collections to non pet related businesses. In this fascinating interview, Michael shares how you can position dog wall art to businesses in your own local area, to open up a vast new world of opportunities. This is an interview that your MUST NOT MISS!

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S8E08 | Partnering with Dog Friendly Accomodation - Deepdive
Podcast, Interviews, Season 8 Kirstie McConnell Podcast, Interviews, Season 8 Kirstie McConnell

S8E08 | Partnering with Dog Friendly Accomodation - Deepdive

Partnering with local pet-friendly accomodation is a fantastic way to tap into a market of potential clients who really, really love their dogs. So how do you go about setting up that sort of partnership? One of our long-time members, Rebecca Kostka of Shy Wolf Photography, reached out recently with this very question. So Caitlin sat down with Bec to answer all her questions - and we recorded it so that you can learn too!

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S8E07 | In Person Sales with Rachael Boer of IPS Mastermind
Podcast, Interviews, Season 8 Kirstie McConnell Podcast, Interviews, Season 8 Kirstie McConnell

S8E07 | In Person Sales with Rachael Boer of IPS Mastermind

In this week’s episode, we chat to the In Person Sales mastermind, Rachael Boer, about all barriers and blocks that photographers experience when selling their artwork. Rachael shares everything, from her top tips to breaking down mental barriers, the experience of switching from online galleries to IPS, how IPS has changed with COVID (and what you can do to adapt) and in the extended episode we addressed the elephant in the room - can you do IPS and still sell the digitals?!

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S6E03 | The Paws for Oz Movement with Karen Black
Podcast, Interviews, Season 6 Kirstie McConnell Podcast, Interviews, Season 6 Kirstie McConnell

S6E03 | The Paws for Oz Movement with Karen Black

On the heels of a dinner party in which the Australian wildfires and their catastrophic impact on wildlife was discussed amongst animal-loving friends, our guest today was inspired to create a fundraising initiative that saw pet photographers all around the globe joining forces and raising over $20,000. Listen in as we chat to Karen Black of Indigo Pet Photography all about her Paws for Oz initiative.

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S6E01 | Photographing LGBTQ People and their Rescue Dogs with Jack Jackson
Podcast, Interviews, Season 6 Kirstie McConnell Podcast, Interviews, Season 6 Kirstie McConnell

S6E01 | Photographing LGBTQ People and their Rescue Dogs with Jack Jackson

Beautifully timed with the end of Pride Month, we’re starting this season learning all about the Don’t You Want Me project. This documentary photographic series showcases the beauty and resilience of LGBTQ+ people with their rescued dogs. Jack Jackson, co-founder of the project (and fellow member of the Pet Photographers Club!) joined the podcast to tell us all about it.

Don’t You Want Me is a global social impact photo project - think Humans of New York, except with powerful queer and trans narratives combined with cute dogs - the project is bringing people to tears.

Photographers, dog lovers and humans on a mission Jack Jackson (Toronto) and Deb Klein (UK via Brooklyn) have joined forces to tell these powerful stories. In today’s episode, we chatted with Jack to find out their inspiration behind the project, the impact it’s having in the community and their goals for the future of DYWM.

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S2E07 | Commercial Photography with Jamie Piper
Podcast, Interviews, Season 2 Kirstie McConnell Podcast, Interviews, Season 2 Kirstie McConnell

S2E07 | Commercial Photography with Jamie Piper

Jamie Piper of Cowbelly Photography has over fifteen years of experience working with editorial and commercial clients; everyone from pet insurance companies, to animal magazines, to dog food businesses. She specialises in creating modern, authentic images that help her clients get away from that stereotypical ‘stock photo’ look: a mission which led her to creating the Fetch Stock company. On top of all of this she also shares a tonne of eduction resources through her website Commercial Photographers’ Resources.

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